With our feet on the ground and heads looking up, trying to contemplate the carbon-di-oxide clogged layers of the atmosphere, the rocket of Buyofuel began its fabrication. Constructed by years of experience in the biofuel sector and fueled with digital, social and economic cognizance, Buyofuel is an online marketplace that makes buying and selling green fuel trouble-free.
India’s growing fuel consumption is the 3rd largest in the world and yet is importing more than 85% of its needs. With import aside, there exists an alternative solution to combat energy poverty in India – Biofuel. The primary raw materials of waste are available in plentiful quantities, the technology to mass-produce is accessible but the pathway from waste suppliers to end-users lacks clarity and economic security.
The biofuels industry in India is an unorganized mishmash of opacity. The discretion of waste suppliers, manufacturers and traders has downgraded the state of awareness in the industry. Mr. Kishan Karunakaran, a tribal of the biofuel energy sector for over 12 years is a biofuels entrepreneur, will bridge the gap with his extensive connections to feedstock suppliers, manufacturers, traders and consumers of biofuel across India. Mr. Sumanth Kumar with a background in digital marketing for MSME brands and a serial entrepreneur himself understands the experience and directs digital marketing for Buyofuel in conformity with consumer insights.
Through Buyofuel, we are set to break the seal of secrecy in the energy sector by deploying the marketplace to the digital space and thereby assuring the transparency of process as well as safeguarding monetary transactions. All with no disturbance to the existing supply chain. Mr. Venkat Selvan, a serial entrepreneur of tech startups, leads the operations of technological territories of Buyofuel with his awareness in digitization and e-commerce.
Further, we impart additional factors of globally reputed quality assessment with complete visibility of operation and escrow choices for traders. Mr. Prasad P Nair, a young social entrepreneur, a fervent sustainability disciple who pioneered the transition to biofuel in Kerala is at the head of integrating social-entrepreneurial aspects in Buyofuel.
The divergent functionalities required to create and operate Buyofuel in a PAN India orbit are led by individuals accomplished in their corresponding fields. Together with our advisory board members Mr. Radhakrishnan Balagopal and Mr. Kiran Karunakaran, we make the beeline to an energy-independent India.