Buy or Sell Bioethanol

Bioethanol is derived from renewable sources like corn, wheat, or sugarcane and an alcohol-based fuel that goes beyond conventional alternatives. Elevate your engine’s performance and efficiency with its high octane rating. Embrace eco-conscious driving as bioethanol boasts a high oxygen content, contributing to a significant reduction in harmful emissions. Make a conscious choice for our planet – bioethanol, the clean-burning fuel with a low carbon footprint.

Gross Calorific Value

4700 ~ 6000 kcal/kg


Specific Gravity

0.77 ~ 0.79



1.13 cSt

Bioethanol Manufacturing Process

Bio-ethanol making involves harvesting and preparing the biomass, breaking down the carbohydrates into simple sugars through enzymatic hydrolysis, fermenting the sugars into ethanol using yeast or other microorganisms, distilling the resulting liquid to remove impurities, and dehydrating the ethanol to obtain pure bio-ethanol.
Bio ethanol
Bio ethanol

Bioethanol Blending Ratio

Bioethanol is blended with gasoline to produce a biofuel that can be used in conventional gasoline engines. It is typically blended with gasoline in different proportions, such as E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) or E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), depending on the fuel standard of the country or region. Bioethanol is also used as a fuel for flexible-fuel vehicles that are capable of running on gasoline or ethanol.
Bio ethanol

Bioethanol Applications

Bioethanol is a renewable fuel that can be used in a variety of applications, including transportation, heating and electricity generation and industrial processes.
Bio ethanol
Bio ethanol

Bioethanol Market

The government has set targets for the blending of ethanol with gasoline. Alongside, several policies aim to provide incentives for the production of bioethanol from various feedstocks such as sugarcane, corn, and rice. Currently, bioethanol is not commercially available.
Bio ethanol

Biodiesel Advantages


High Blending Capacity


Burn Cleaner


Easy Procurement


Compatible with Existing Infrastructure

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bio ethanol?

Bio ethanol is a renewable fuel produced from biomass, such as agricultural crops or waste materials like bagasse, through a fermentation and distillation process. It is commonly used as a substitute for petrol fuel in vehicles and as a clean-burning fuel.

How is bioethanol produced?

Bio ethanol is produced through a fermentation process, where biomass is converted into sugars, followed by distillation to separate ethanol from water and impurities. The final product is then purified to meet fuel specifications.

What are the advantages of using bio ethanol?

Bio ethanol offers several advantages, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, support for agricultural sustainability, decreased reliance on fossil fuels, and potential engine performance benefits when blended with gasoline.

Is bio ethanol compatible with existing vehicles?

Yes, bio ethanol is compatible with most existing vehicles designed to run on gasoline. Flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) can run on blends of bio ethanol and gasoline, such as E10 (10% ethanol) or E85 (85% ethanol).

What are the applications of bioethanol?

Bio ethanol is used as a fuel for transportation, including cars, trucks, and buses. It is also utilized in small engines, such as those in boats, motorcycles, and lawnmowers. Additionally, bio ethanol is a key ingredient in the production of alcoholic beverages and industrial products.

Is bioethanol safe to use?

Yes, bio ethanol is generally safe to use when handled and stored properly. It has a lower risk of toxicity compared to some other fuels and is biodegradable. However, precautions should be taken to avoid ingestion or prolonged skin contact.

What is bio ethanol?

Bio ethanol is a renewable fuel produced from biomass, such as agricultural crops or waste materials like bagasse, through a fermentation and distillation process. It is commonly used as a substitute for petrol fuel in vehicles and as a clean-burning fuel.

What are the advantages of using bio ethanol?

Bio ethanol offers several advantages, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, support for agricultural sustainability, decreased reliance on fossil fuels, and potential engine performance benefits when blended with gasoline.

What are the applications of bioethanol?

Bio ethanol is used as a fuel for transportation, including cars, trucks, and buses. It is also utilized in small engines, such as those in boats, motorcycles, and lawnmowers. Additionally, bio ethanol is a key ingredient in the production of alcoholic beverages and industrial products.

How is bioethanol produced?

Bio ethanol is produced through a fermentation process, where biomass is converted into sugars, followed by distillation to separate ethanol from water and impurities. The final product is then purified to meet fuel specifications.

Is bio ethanol compatible with existing vehicles?

Yes, bio ethanol is compatible with most existing vehicles designed to run on gasoline. Flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) can run on blends of bio ethanol and gasoline, such as E10 (10% ethanol) or E85 (85% ethanol).

Is bioethanol safe to use?

Yes, bio ethanol is generally safe to use when handled and stored properly. It has a lower risk of toxicity compared to some other fuels and is biodegradable. However, precautions should be taken to avoid ingestion or prolonged skin contact.


Empower Your Drive with Eco-Conscious Energy: Choose bioethanol – an alcohol-based, renewable energy source derived from corn, wheat, and sugarcane. With a high octane rating, our bioethanol guarantees superior engine performance and efficiency while actively reducing harmful emissions. Although currently not available for direct purchase or sale, you can experience the benefits through ethanol-blended petrol at fuel stations. For more information on the potential of bioethanol, kindly send your inquiries via the form to your right.


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