Read on to know how technologies are being implemented in Indian cities to optimise waste...
Bio Furnace Oil for Foundries: A Time and Money Saving Solution for Foundries
Read on to know how switching to bio-furnace oil can help the foundry industry save time, labour...
Reducing Carbon Footprint: The Power of Biodiesel in the Fight Against Climate Change
🌿🚀 "Harnessing Biodiesel: A Sustainable Climate Solution" - Explore the pivotal role of biodiesel...
Biodiesel Manufacturers: Bridging the Gap Between Energy and Sustainability
Read on to know the role of biodiesel manufacturers in India’s sustainability journey, learn how...
Biofuel Adoption: A Help or Hindrance to India’s Economic Growth?
Discover the impact of biofuel adoption on India's economic growth. Does it help or hinder?...
Biofuels: A Solution to Climate Change or a Threat to Global Food Security?
Discover the complex relationship between biofuels, climate change, and food security. Explore the...
Forest Biomass vs Agricultural Biomass: Which Passes the Sustainability Test
This post explores the ongoing argument about using biomass as an energy source. Some people...
Biofuels for a Greener India: Policies and Approaches to Encourage Adoption
Promoting Biofuels: India's Green Revolution! Learn about the policies and strategies driving the...
Sustainability and Societal Well-Being: A Shared Responsibility for India’s Prosperity
When you hear the word “sustainability”, what do you think of? Stopping single-use plastic?...
The Dirty Reality: Challenges of Municipal Waste Management in India
“12-day garbage fire in Kochi”. “Kochi's Brahmapuram dump yard fire an ‘environmental disaster”....
The Plastic Paradox: Redefining Plastic Waste as a Resource
Every year, especially at the end of a financial year, you measure the Compound Annual Growth Rate...
Element to Energy: The Making & Potential of Green Hydrogen, A Gaseous Biofuel
Which is the most abundant chemical element in nature? Here are a few clues: It’s the lightest...
The Dark Side of Steelmaking: Exploring its Ties to High CO2 Emissions and Solutions
Unless you have a guest joining you at home for breakfast and ceramic cutlery makes a special...
Flex-Fuel Vehicles: Another Route India Is Taking Towards Atma Nirbhar Bharat
Your car can enjoy sugarcane as much as you enjoy drinking sugarcane juice. We’re not joking. It’s...
Closing the Loop: It’s Time To Convert Farms Into Zero Waste Farms
A quick question: How often does your dustbin get filled? On an average, a nuclear family...
Will Increased Electricity Demand Hit the Brakes for EVs (Electric Vehicles) in India?
7 years from now, every 3rd person you know will most likely drive an electric vehicle in India....
3 Challenges Faced by the Biofuel Industry That Are Delaying Biofuel Adoption
The biofuel industry is striving to grow and become a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels....
The Importance of Reducing CO2 Emissions in the Battle Against Climate Change
Imagine this. You’re planning a family vacation. Earlier, packing was simple. If you’re going...
How To Identify High-Quality Biomass Briquettes That Keep Your Furnaces & Boilers in Good Shape
If you lived in the 19th century, biomass would have been the key source of energy you used....
Plastic scraps: How we got here and where to go next (with young entrepreneurs to the rescue)
You’re living in the Plastic Age, did you know? Yes, the 20th and 21st centuries are infamously...
Electricity Generation: Fossil Fuel Boilers vs Biomass Boilers
A boiler is a closed vessel in which coal, gas or oil is burnt to heat water and produce vapour or...
Is there a fuel crisis in India? Where are we leading?
Earlier in June this year, petrol pumps in states like Rajasthan and Karnataka saw long queues of...