Bio Furnace Oil for Foundries: A Time and Money Saving Solution for Foundries

Bio Furnace Oil for Foundries: A Time and Money Saving Solution for Foundries
Read on to know how switching to bio-furnace oil can help the foundry industry save time, labour and money.
The bikes and cars you drive today have components that were made in foundries. The steel taps in your bathrooms are from there too. The foundry industry produces metal castings by melting and shaping various metals. The processes involve casting, moulding, pouring molten metal into moulds. These components are essential in automotive, aerospace, construction and many other sectors.
Melting and shaping metals need high temperatures and reliable heat sources. And the foundry industry relies on furnace oil for generating intense heat.

What Is Traditional Furnace Oil?

When crude oil is processed into petrol and diesel, the process generates a lot of byproducts. Some of them are paraffin wax, lubricating oil, bitumen and furnace oil. Furnace oil has high energy content. It also has the ability to reach high temperatures needed for metal casting. It has become an indispensable resource in the foundry sector. Thanks to its availability and consistent performance.

Why Do Foundries Rely on Traditional Furnace Oil?

The ability to precisely regulate temperatures is essential for achieving optimal casting results. It ensures that metal components meet stringent quality standards. The consistent and stable heat output of furnace oil is helpful to maintain high temperatures throughout the process. It helps in the creation of intricate and accurately shaped metal products.
Furnace oil also offers practical advantages for foundries. It’s easily accessible and affordable. It easily meets the heating needs of various foundry operations. Additionally, furnace oil is relatively cheaper than other fuels. It is a cost-effective choice. Procuring it is cost-effective, but there are other challenges in using it.

What’s the Trouble With Traditional Furnace Oil?

In foundry applications, the use of furnace oil is not straightforward. It is a byproduct of petroleum, and so its quality and properties are not reliable. An extra step is essential.

Furnace oil needs to be preheated. Its properties need to be adjusted to suit industrial boilers.

This preheating process is a huge challenge for foundries.
  • Foundries must allocate manpower and working hours specifically for preheating operations.
  • The properties of furnace oil need to be carefully adjusted to ensure optimal performance in industrial boilers.
  • Traditional furnace oil, with its high density and viscosity, is not directly suitable for use. It needs to be preheated and treated in a separate facility.
  • Its viscosity is reduced and properties are modified. This process makes it compatible with the specific requirements of the industrial boilers.
  • The requirement for a separate preheating facility means additional investment and maintenance costs.
  • Foundries need to invest in equipment, infrastructure, and personnel to handle the preheating. This incurs additional expenses that impact the overall operational budget.
  • Preheating furnace oil consumes valuable time. Foundries must factor in the time required for preheating. They should adjust their production schedules accordingly.
  • Preheating furnace oil needs energy resources, which adds to the overall fuel expenses.
  • The costs, including energy consumption and maintenance, affects the operating costs and profitability of foundries.
  • Finding ways to reduce or eliminate preheating requirements can offer substantial cost savings. It will improve the financial viability of foundry operations. Is there an alternative to furnace oil? Yes, bio-furnace oil helps overcome all these challenges.

    Bio-Furnace Oil, the Time and Money Saving Solution

    Bio-furnace oil eliminates the need for preheating. It is a ready-to-use fuel for industrial boilers. This not only reduces the complexity and time, but also lowers the cost of fuel.

    Bio-furnace oil is a ready-to-use fuel. It doesn’t need preheating and saves overall time and money in foundries.

    The seamless integration of bio-furnace oil into foundry applications has many benefits. It has efficiency gains, cost savings, and improved productivity. It allows foundries to focus on their core operations and meet market demands more effectively.

    What Is Bio-Furnace Oil?

    Bio-furnace oil is produced through pyrolysis. It involves heating heavy truck tires in the absence of oxygen. This thermal decomposition breaks down the tires into their constituent components. The pyrolysis process takes place in specialised equipment known as pyrolysis reactors.
    The tires are subjected to high temperatures, around 400-600 degrees Celsius. The absence of oxygen prevents combustion. It converts tires into bio-furnace oil (tyre oil) and carbon black powder.
    Carbon black powder is used as a reinforcing agent in rubber products. It is the pigment in inks and paints and is a filler in plastics. On the other hand, bio-furnace oil is the liquid fraction from pyrolysis. It is commonly referred to as tyre oil due to its origin from the tires.
    Bio-furnace oil has properties like traditional furnace oil derived from petroleum. It serves as a viable alternative for heating applications in foundries. It’s also used in industrial plants, power plants, and steam boilers. As it is from the breakdown of tire materials, it is a renewable and sustainable source of fuel.

    Advantages of Bio-Furnace Oil Over Traditional Furnace Oil

    a) Elimination of Preheating Requirements:
    Unlike traditional furnace oil, bio-furnace oil does not need preheating before usage. The oxygen and pyrolysis method enables direct utilisation. It saves significant time and labour costs for foundries.

    b) Cost Savings:
    The elimination of preheating translates into large cost savings for foundries. Reduced working hours and manpower for preheating directly improves the overall operational efficiency.

    c) Compatibility and Blending:
    Bio-furnace oil can be easily blended with traditional furnace oil. It is a seamless replacement in industrial plants, power plants, and steam boilers. Its versatility allows for a smooth transition. It doesn’t need significant modifications or investments in existing infrastructure.

    d) Environmental Benefits:
    Bio-furnace oil offers a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional furnace oil. Derived from recycled heavy truck tires, it helps reduce waste and carbon footprint. By utilising renewable and sustainable sources, foundries can contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

    Bio-furnace oil offers many advantages and benefits for foundry applications. The elimination of preheating requirements. Ready-to-use nature and cost savings. Compatibility with traditional furnace oil and existing systems. Environmental sustainability, and reliable performance. They make it an attractive alternative.
    Foundries and other industrial sectors can embrace bio-furnace oil. It is a greener and more efficient solution. It will contribute to a sustainable and responsible future. By adopting bio-furnace oil, they can save time and money. They can improve operational efficiency, and play their part in mitigating environmental impact.

    At Buyofuel, we are building a network of bio-furnace oil suppliers and manufacturers in india. Come, join the network, help your foundry industry save time and operational costs.

