Mango Seeds

Mango seeds, found within the pit of mango fruits, are often discarded from food processing industries. These seeds serve as a sustainable biomass fuel source for boilers, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and GHG emissions. Their rich nutritional profile and versatile applications, mango seeds offer a promising opportunity to promote sustainability and economic growth.


Gross Calorific Value

3255 kcal/kg

Moisture Content


Ash Content


Mango Seeds Extraction Process

Mango seeds, found within the pit of mango fruits, are often discarded from food processing industries. These seeds serve as a sustainable biomass fuel source for boilers, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and GHG emissions. Their rich nutritional profile and versatile applications, mango seeds offer a promising opportunity to promote sustainability and economic growth.

Mango Seeds Application

Depending on the intended use, the dried mango seeds can be stored or further processed into powder for culinary applications, oil for skincare, or directly utilized as feedstock to the boiler to generate heat. This simple yet crucial process unlocks the versatile potential of mango seeds, transforming them from discarded waste into valuable resources.

Mango Seeds Potentiality and Market

Mango, a top-tier tropical fruit globally, generates substantial waste in processing, notably in peels, seeds, and fiber, with seeds comprising 20-60% of the fruit’s weight. Explore our app to find Mango Seed Suppliers and Manufacturers across India. Conveniently purchase in minutes and make the most of this valuable resource!


High Calorific Value




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